Thursday, December 5, 2019

Tech Tip: DuckDuckGo

I have been using DuckDuckGo since the beginning of the semester. I started doing research about internet browsing, and I thought that DuckDuckGo sounded to good to be true. I understand why Google wants my data, and they might not being using it for anything bad, but it still feels weird to me. I like my privacy.

After using DDG for a couple months now, I can safely say I will never go back. It feels so much better to use, and for the most part I feel like I get better search results. It's so nice not being bombarded with annoying ads.

Somehow I managed to go this whole time without knowing about bangs, and now I feel really dumb. That is such an awesome feature that I will use all the time now.

The only complaint I have about DuckDuckGo is the image search. It isn't anything serious because I don't really search for images all that much, but I do for this class. The image search function works fine, but for finding free to use images Google is still my go to. I don't know how to narrow DDG searches down to only non-copyright images, but I'm sure there is a way. That's my only gripe and it's not even a gripe. For the most part I get most of my images from Unsplash now anyways. They have some great high-quality photos that are all free to use.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Conner! My brother spells his name the same way! Cool.

    I just started using DuckDuckGo this week. I'd never heard of it before! It's pretty cool, but I still find myself relying on Google quite a bit, especially since I literally have a Chromebook. But hey, maybe it'll improve over time and the more people that use it. I'm really glad I found out about it in any case. What on earth is bangs? It sounds great, whatever it is!

    Happy end of semester!
